My Selection of the best of the Tweets I came across so far Today II! (April 17, 2017)
Subramanian Venkatraman @suman1938
शंख अगर ऊंचे स्थान से बजाया जाए, उसकी आवाज भी बहुत दूर तक जाती है सुबह 4.45 पर तो..
कियु ना हम सब सुबह 4 बजे घर की छत से शंख बजाये? …
@narendramodi This is the story of cutting the nose to spite the face!
By targeting Karti Chidambaram with baseless notices, the government cannot silence my voice or stop my writing: @PChidambaram_IN
Chidambaram is a notorious SC lawyer. Y doesn't he represent his son and fight the govt instead of these worthless public statements? Y does not Sonia, Pappu R any1 from Congress say a word in support of his alleged efforts 2 silence him? Because they don't want 2 get 'involved'? Friends run 2 help some good1 when he is in trouble. But when a criminal is in trouble himself even friends run away from him fast silently!
I thought it's a Parody account.. This is the argument level of an out-of-work editor.. And these ppl call others troll, abusive.. …
Shekhar Gupta @ShekharGupta
Indian secularism has to be really fragile for its champions to go "battle stations" over nakhras of an out-of-work singer with bad grammar
Pareshji! This khujliwal has made enuf 2 last 7 generations. He is tweeting only out of the habit of having been a khujliwal all his life!
#CPM to back united Opposition candidates for #President and #VicePresident posts …
What united and what opposition? Is he joking?
And stop buying Kashmiri shawl and shit.. You can live without it... …
Too late 4 shawls & apples. But tourism is a different thing. Agitation is avoided in tourist season! Apne pavn par kulhadi maarna hai kya?
You are self certified Jehadi …
Mohamed Zeeshan @ZeeMOhamed_
If you don't like noise out on the street, buy yourself ear plugs instead of pontificating on what the rest of the world ought to do.
There are time, place and method to do everything. Even right things. Energy is frittered away and wasted when not focussed.
CRPF Jawan Pours his heart out.
Max RT this....for No Reason.
Proud to be #HyperNationalist
Proud to be #WarMonger

@narendramodi Every proud Indian should listen to this recital by a Veer Jawan of Bharat! Khoon ubalne lagta hai!
Pitts: America is still well worth fighting for

Trump assures us: "I will put a stop to this fight"
ध्यान रहे आपके द्वारा पि जा रही एक सिगरेट आपके साथ पड़ोस मे बैठे तीन लोंगो के कैंसर का भी कारण बन सकती है चाहे वो बेटा हो बेटी हो या माँ

The limit 2 nonsense! This is how even genuine causes get ridiculed & people lose interest! Exaggeration is the killer of anything good!
Liked it. Very painstakingly compiled. Good.