My Tweets Today! (April 5, 2017 9.15 PM (PT,USA)
Financial Expess @FinancialXpress
#Pakistan welcomes US mediation after #India rejects it …
It was waiting for India's reaction! If India had accepted the mediation, Pakistan would have rejected it! The story goes, a Muslim asked the Maulvi what he should do with the banana he found in the street. Maulvi asked him to go and consult the Brahmin across the street and
the Maulvi what he should do with the banana he found in the street. Maulvi asked him to go and consult the Brahmin across the street and The Muslim happily ate it as told by his Maulvi!
Even if they R asked 2 choose on their own, after failing, these scum will claim all 'doctored' EVMs have either been destroyed or repaired!
India Today
#IndiaFirst #ITVideo
May God bless you with a long life and fame!
@narendramodi V shud now teach farmers how 2 form local co-ops w/out losing the title 2 land & also work opportunity 4 making use of large equipment in a bigger area 4 more profit. Govt assistance & management of co-op will boost their confidence 4 the next green revolution!

With complete control how many parents R able 2 bring up their children as they wanted? How can U make 1500 mil unruly citizens quit eating meat, stop smoking & drinking? Educate them & allow them 2 chalk their own future, not impose on them! That's what democracy is all abt!
Now he is ruling out his party ever coming back to power!
--------------------------------------------------------------- He also does not hope 2 come back to any office! That is why he has adopted this mode to curry favor with Pakistan and make some more money!=============================================================================
Vinashakale Vipareeta Buddhi!
Can cow dislodge Hinduism? I don’t think so. Find better things to do.
Cows were worshiped for ages but were also consumed in Yagnas during the Vedic period. They did give milk and manure to farmers and its urine was a disinfectant for their crops. Farmers reared them till their death. They had no problem of feeding them from their fields. But not anymore. Chemical fertilizers put an end to their usefulness. Besides, after Islamic invasion they became a saleable commodity. Invading Muslims took to beef because they were basically non-vegetarians; cows, bulls and buffaloes were plenty in good old days. Those centuries-old habits continue now and have become a part of their religion! Remember, nobody sells them cows which yield milk. Muslims buy the animals which have become barren for which Hindu farmers get paid. Therefore, the Hindu farmers who sell barren cows to Muslims are equal partners in this much abused practice. Both communities should become practical and without giving a religious color to it, allow the issue not to stand in the way of development of our nation which will benefit all.
So far as cruelty to animals is concerned, how do you think fish is killed? In a much worse way than cows. It gasps for breath before dying. How about goats, pigs and other animals? No better or worse. Killing is not for faint hearted. That is why they all go for cooked pizza with meat or other packaged food! If you don't see it, it is not there philosophy! Let's quit this shadow boxing and get to practicals.
Let's strengthen the foundation of our nation with better ideals than anti cow slaughter or temples. Hinduism is not identified by only temples. 1000s of temples had been built and are no more. But thousands of our scriptures, which hardly remain permanent in their original form, but more by word of mouth, or our Puranas, which are passed on from generation to generation, are our identities of Hinduism which has withstood the test of ages. Without the backing of any well structured organization, but with so many divisions, it has survived comparatively recent upstarts like Christianity or Islam and more widely practiced than many other religions preceding them such as Shinto, Judaism, etc. If Hinduism is alive today or will exist for a very very long time, surely it is not because of cow protection.
It is the idea of Hinduism as contained in our scriptures. Sarvo Jana Sukhilo Bhavantu! Tatastu! Let's emphasize it! Because NO ONE in his senses can argue against it!
Leave it to them to sort it out among themselves. Pl don't take sides, lest even the misguided become stubborn!
Great! It is time govt put an end to the saying: "Live and Let Live" as far as corruption is concerned!
HOW TO SAVE THE SUPREME COURT of the USA? Here is a possible solution!
If the present conservative SC judges are worth the respect they are held in, they can announce that in future one of them will recuse himself from any voting, if a decision comes to a vote so that Gorsuch's vote never counts! If they could at least leak out this decision in advance, I would expect Gorsuch or Trump to withdraw his name if they are left with any shame! There is no other way to save the nation!
Y can't V follow China in this? When V always appreciate what is right & oppose what is wrong, ultimately V R respected even by our enemies!
Financial Expess @FinancialXpress
#Pakistan welcomes US mediation after #India rejects it …
It was waiting for India's reaction! If India had accepted the mediation, Pakistan would have rejected it! The story goes, a Muslim asked the Maulvi what he should do with the banana he found in the street. Maulvi asked him to go and consult the Brahmin across the street and
the Maulvi what he should do with the banana he found in the street. Maulvi asked him to go and consult the Brahmin across the street and The Muslim happily ate it as told by his Maulvi!
It seems - #EC is going to invite rabble rousers to prove their claim ,like they did in 2009
! One Request- They should Live Telecast it 

India Today
Chetan Chetah returns home after his long battle!
May God bless you with a long life and fame!
@narendramodi V shud now teach farmers how 2 form local co-ops w/out losing the title 2 land & also work opportunity 4 making use of large equipment in a bigger area 4 more profit. Govt assistance & management of co-op will boost their confidence 4 the next green revolution!

With complete control how many parents R able 2 bring up their children as they wanted? How can U make 1500 mil unruly citizens quit eating meat, stop smoking & drinking? Educate them & allow them 2 chalk their own future, not impose on them! That's what democracy is all abt!
And this backstaber traitor amassed wealth as CM with @INCIndia support - Shameless Congress. @LillyMaryPinto @agrwal_akhil @mridul63
Now he is ruling out his party ever coming back to power!
Mr Abdullah must b debarred frm holding any public office in our nation.
Such citizens r shame n disgrace for India
#farooqvscheetah @adgpi

Only @ndtv journalist can compare His Holiness Dalai Lama an apostle of peace with a dreaded terrorist Hafiz Saeed
Vinashakale Vipareeta Buddhi!
Can cow dislodge Hinduism? I don’t think so. Find better things to do.
Cows were worshiped for ages but were also consumed in Yagnas during the Vedic period. They did give milk and manure to farmers and its urine was a disinfectant for their crops. Farmers reared them till their death. They had no problem of feeding them from their fields. But not anymore. Chemical fertilizers put an end to their usefulness. Besides, after Islamic invasion they became a saleable commodity. Invading Muslims took to beef because they were basically non-vegetarians; cows, bulls and buffaloes were plenty in good old days. Those centuries-old habits continue now and have become a part of their religion! Remember, nobody sells them cows which yield milk. Muslims buy the animals which have become barren for which Hindu farmers get paid. Therefore, the Hindu farmers who sell barren cows to Muslims are equal partners in this much abused practice. Both communities should become practical and without giving a religious color to it, allow the issue not to stand in the way of development of our nation which will benefit all.
So far as cruelty to animals is concerned, how do you think fish is killed? In a much worse way than cows. It gasps for breath before dying. How about goats, pigs and other animals? No better or worse. Killing is not for faint hearted. That is why they all go for cooked pizza with meat or other packaged food! If you don't see it, it is not there philosophy! Let's quit this shadow boxing and get to practicals.
Let's strengthen the foundation of our nation with better ideals than anti cow slaughter or temples. Hinduism is not identified by only temples. 1000s of temples had been built and are no more. But thousands of our scriptures, which hardly remain permanent in their original form, but more by word of mouth, or our Puranas, which are passed on from generation to generation, are our identities of Hinduism which has withstood the test of ages. Without the backing of any well structured organization, but with so many divisions, it has survived comparatively recent upstarts like Christianity or Islam and more widely practiced than many other religions preceding them such as Shinto, Judaism, etc. If Hinduism is alive today or will exist for a very very long time, surely it is not because of cow protection.
It is the idea of Hinduism as contained in our scriptures. Sarvo Jana Sukhilo Bhavantu! Tatastu! Let's emphasize it! Because NO ONE in his senses can argue against it!
Ajmer Dargah’s diwan sacked & declared non-Muslim for opposing cow slaughter. Irony is he has been removed by his own brother.No Award Wapsi
Centre takes serious note of garage misuse
Great! It is time govt put an end to the saying: "Live and Let Live" as far as corruption is concerned!
HOW TO SAVE THE SUPREME COURT of the USA? Here is a possible solution!
If the present conservative SC judges are worth the respect they are held in, they can announce that in future one of them will recuse himself from any voting, if a decision comes to a vote so that Gorsuch's vote never counts! If they could at least leak out this decision in advance, I would expect Gorsuch or Trump to withdraw his name if they are left with any shame! There is no other way to save the nation!
A move, worth follow.
@narendramodi @arunjaitley @AgarwalGyan @aakuraj @satishchoubey7 @HinduRajyam @agrwal_akhil

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