My Selection of the best of the Tweets I came across so far Today II! (April 18, 2017)
Woman threatens to adopt Hinduism after triple talaq. Silence of celebrity & bindi clad feminists is baffling.
@narerndramodi Muslim women R silent because they R afraid! Indian women might be thinking "You can take a horse to drink, but cannot make it drink!" There might be a better response if Govt comes 2 their help & announces immediate police protection, compels ex-husband to pay minimum living expenses & share in the property immediately & holds ex-husband responsible 4 her safety till she settles down.
Waren Kinsella @kinsellawarren
Georgia’s Sixth Congressional District. Check this out. Amazing. #Democrats #USPolitics #SuckItTrump Go to:
The bells have started tolling!
Typical Miya.. Educated at some Madrassa.. yet to learn how sound travels... LOL! #islamicEinstein …

@medacrooks Doesn't Miya know Sonu lives where even cars R banned from using horns & neighbors' children don't cry @ night? Sonu can hear a Mulla fart 10 miles away! When it's the unwanted bahu even an earthen pot broken by her is made of gold 4 her Mother-in-law! Drop the issue!
Reservation should not be based on RELIGION it must be based on INCOME. #NoReligiousReservation
Yes, people who don't work & have no income shud also get paid a minimum monthly salary & allowance frm govt. That is Ram Rajya! Any further great ideas like they shud be given govt credit cards, free rides on trains, movie tickets, free lodgings, etc. Don't ask 4 free langot!

Beti @RanaAyyub, do they teach logic in madarsas nowadays? or that's also haraam like mathematics

If you throw stones in the mud, you will only get sprinkled with it! Move on, let the barkhaing bitches keep on barkhaing!
Today people have Azaan on their phones even have Azaan clocks; loudspeaker is not that necessary now: Ahmed Patel, Congress

Is Ahmed Patel revolting on the eve of Gujarat elections? No, No!
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