Selected Tweets (I) - April 25, 2017
कभी-2 खुद से ही घिन सी आती है
नक्सली कुत्तो ने 24 माँ के लाल निगल लिए
छाती पर चढ़कर वार करो साहब पागल
कुत्तो का इलाज सिर्फ गोली है
There should not be any mercy 4 Naxalites nor 4 similar terrorists & law breakers, including stone throwers. Now U know the REAL Naxals!
@narendramodi Some centuries B4 roaming foreign marauders invaded our nation. Our peaceful forefathers did not take 2 bloodshed & succumbed. Today V R in the same scenario. It is 4 us 2 decide if V should wait 1000 years more by following our forefathers' ways R act for ourselves. It is an immutable fact that if you keep on doing the same thing, you keep on getting the same result. You are what U do, a King or a slave!
बागी राणा @tanhadil1981कभी-2 खुद से ही घिन सी आती है

नक्सली कुत्तो ने 24 माँ के लाल निगल लिए

कुत्तो का इलाज सिर्फ गोली है

There should not be any mercy 4 Naxalites nor 4 similar terrorists & law breakers, including stone throwers. Now U know the REAL Naxals!
I love islam...when hear such cases. Our constitution became such a nightmare for Hindu males and even their family women too. …
Though Ramesh is going overboard in his condemnation due to his justified frustration, pls read all the links. We do need a court above the Supreme Court. It has become a replica of lower courts in dispensing patently unreasonable judgments! This is not a on-going case. There is absolutely no reason to re-open a decade old High Court settled case.
Will the U.S. government be open in a week? Here are the dynamics at play.
Irrespective of what the President is sure abt & GOP says, he is a minority President & therefore he can't thrust his views on the majority!
Democrats are always putting their eggs in the basket of one person they hope, expect, demand will lead them.
It is the problem when V R used 2 a totally statesmanlike, unselfish, educated & dedicated, well known & well respected, a man with a heart full of affection and sympathy towards the poor and needy, women and children in need of help and succor like our President Barack Obama!
25,000 Canadian families in BC and Quebec who may lose everything. Good thing we're nice to Trump and his kids! …
Y can't countries think of imposing a ban on luxury imports from the USA like cars, Iphones, movies & all the trash they think they can't do w/out! Hit where it hurts! Just like Trump does! Don't take out your tit! Instead tat, tat, tat! All understand only their own language.
New #H1Bvisa rules: Indian IT companies may have to pay 50% more
(report by @SunnySen)
President of the USA forgets the discipline in international commerce brought abt by WTO is the foundation on which US Dollar stands today. He is trying to dynamite it! Best of luck! The world knew long before the USA, how to live happily together without bossing around! After a hiccup the world will be able to correct itself, but can the USA recover ever? Look before U leap! Rhetoric is no substitute 4 your action!
@narendramodi Await presstitutes coming out with strong protests against "branding our Go Matas" and disrespecting them like branded goods!
I sought a meeting with the PM on Kashmir, there has been no response: Yashwant Sinha
This fool Yashwant Sinha talks as though his suggestion is something brand new and has not been tried for 70 years without any success!
This little girl lost her home.
Plz share this pic more and more on various SM platform so that she can meet her parents.
#RTmax Plz
Do pl tweet when her parents are found tell us abt who helped you in tracing them. You & he/she will receive the blessings of thousands!
फ्रांस में चुनाव: सबकी जुबां पर चढ़ रहा रेस में सबसे आगे इस कैंडिडेट के अनोखे रोमांस का अफसाना
#franceelection …
I know 1st hand the world loves real lovers! I married my wife of 48 yrs when I was 29 & she was 38! V still love each other very intensely!
Thousands attend funeral of a 'Freedom fighter' in #Kashmir yesterday amidst Pakistan flags
How we bid farewell to our CRPF martyrs?
You can survive in two ways by total aggression or full submission. Anything in between is no way to live. Which life would you choose? Those who win by attack talk abt their winning ways of future life and the others talk about past victories! Do you want your children to talk abt the same things that we talk about?
रेल एक्सीडेंट ISI का हाथ,कश्मीर में हुर्रियत का हाथ, नक्सल हमले में चीन का हाथ,
भाई इन हाथों को तोड़ने के लिए ही तो वोट दिया था @PMOIndia
@narendramodi Mitaliji has a point!
"We, Indians, demand a weekly public report from the Home Minister on the steps taken to eradicate Naxalites!" If you agree please RT.
@narendramodi Nation will b100 times united with U in a war vs. anti-nationals sparing none alive even @ a cost of a few innocent lives. This is the time 2 do R die. A hero is born during the war, not in peace time! Recall what Krishna told Arjuna in Mahabharat War!
Americans who pushed liberalisation & globalisation or economies of all world countries are now obsessed with "buying local". Gram swarajya …
@narendramodi If Communism is Rakshas, Capitalism has proved 2B Brahma Rakshas! Hit capitalists where it hurts. Give 100 times more help 2 local co-ops! local co-ops! Big makes someone a King for you to take orders from! Small gives birth to kids you can love! What will be your choice? Think!
Both Communism & Capitalism ruined the world and gave birth to terrorism. Communists used sheer violence to keep people under control whereas capitalism used the lure of unlimited personal wealth to make people give up their morals for lucre. Both made the violent or crooked as the case may be to become your King. It is small but innumerable much localized cooperatives to the exclusion of anything too big, including co-ops themselves, that will bring real peace, prosperity and happiness to the world. Big makes someone a King for you to take orders from! Small gives birth to generations of humans who love each other! What will be your choice? The prayer to God by our sages was: "Sarve Jana Sukhino Bhavantu!" meaning, "May everyone be Sukhi!" i.e. be comfortable with the avocation of your choice, whatever it might be, because you cannot be comfortable doing something which benefits only you at the cost of another!
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