My Selection of the best of the Tweets I came across so far Today - II! (April 9, 2017)
A middle-class family of '80 which cud afford 2 educate 5 children now has 5 wealthy families with 2 well-educated children each on the way. When opportunities were less, large families were the norm. Not any more. Society will plan itself. No1 wants his children to become beggars.
Lo, now presstitutes have also entered the fray! Only illegal, unhygienic, unlicensed slaughterhouses making black money have been banned! Will they say openly they support them instead of beating around the bush? They hate PM so much that any issue is good enough to oppose him!
Democracy has come to mean in Kashmir a no-law-and-order-and-free-for-all society! A shame! What are the J&K BJP MLAs and Ministers doing?
Hope Defence Ministry will bear the total cost of running the fund & ensure every pie donated to it is spent only 4 the purpose of donation.
EC shud not accept the demand & reject it out right! After failing 2 accept & apologise 4 having made reckless allegations, they R trying 2 save their face & indulge in fake voting. Their demand should be rejected outright. They can boycott the elections to save their face!
Presstitues asking for protection is like the cat going for Haj after swallowing a hundred mice!
Aspiring Leaders' first lesson: "Weigh your words before you speak; Or will sigh after you speak!"
Vent your anger on the perpetrators and destroy them without mercy. Commiserate with the helpless victims. Ask them 2 support U in yr fight!
Hindus clearly lack long term strategy on population front.
Keep framing laws where H will comply & Abdools will keep having 5 Abdools! …
Rising cow vigilantism will impact not just the meat trade. These could even hurt the dairy industry.
Warrant Against Madhu Kishwar: Is Freedom of Expression only for Secessionists? … via @IndiaFactsOrg
सर आप की जितनी भी तारिफ करे वो कम है जवानों के लिए आप के दिल में आदरभाव देखकर हमारे विचार में बदलाव आया है आप को कोटिकोटि नमन् @akshaykumar …
The deviousness of Indian Journalism …
Every Indian should read the whole article & spit on TOI! And Mumbai CM wants to protect journos! He better. People cannot take it anymore!
Hindustan Times @htTweets
Hyderabad | Will behead ‘traitors’ opposing Ram temple, says BJP MLA

There are thousands of Ram Temples all over India awaiting renovation! Why cannot he do something for them? All gimmickwalas!
Virendra Singh Retweeted
Rally in Jammu in support of Rohingya & Bangladeshi immigrants. Wah @DrJitendraSingh
Tomorrow they will ask free entry for all those refugees fleeing Europe & middle because of Islamic persecution!
#Mind_it ....हद है हमारे देश में भी !
राम मन्दिरके सबूत वहाँ मांगे जा रहे हैं,जहाँ अदालतों में गीताकी सौगंध पर भरोषा कर जज फैसला सुनाते हैं।
Well said!
Man! This is not done! Whimsical people. Minority appeasement. Idiotic. …
But surely they will allow time 4 Namaz & 4 going to Masjid on Fridays 2 Muslim policemen! Apna hi beta chor nikale to auron ko kya batayen?
Muslim #rapefugees throw garbage out of apartment windows
converting beautiful
into Islamic dumpster

Bichchu ko gale lagaoge to woh ghadi ghadi dhank marega to sahi!
So an Indian is only Indian via passport ? Not by origin ,views , country of residence , tax paid or work done ? Does he say he is Canadian? …
I am an Indian-American, meaning Indian-born US citizen. Likewise, Akshay is a Canadian-Indian. I am the son of my father & mother. Right?
Born Hindu, convert to Islam due to marriage with Hamid; Salma jumps to defend Quran & Mullahs. Why did she change her religion & name? …
Probably you don't know, many like her who converted to Islam for one reason or the other did so because they knew it was like any other religion, wishing good for all, irrespective of their religion. Only people like you are haramzadis, who deny that!
But Saudi Arabia has banned non-Abrahamic religions like Buddhism,Hinduism,Jainism,Sikhism,Taoism, etc, etc. Any reason? …
All religions are like the wind in spring, carrying the scent of peace! But it is the few twisters that are creating a great problem!
Oppn leaders to put forward their demand before EC of holding elections 50% through VVPAT machines & 50% by ballot papers | @_pallavighosh
EC shud not accept the demand & reject it out right! After failing 2 accept & apologise 4 having made reckless allegations, they R trying 2 save their face & indulge in fake voting. Their demand should be rejected outright. They can boycott the elections to save their face!
Presstitues asking for protection is like the cat going for Haj after swallowing a hundred mice!
NEW: Dear Devendra Fadnavis, please enact a law to save journalists from ‘trolls’ (requests @ShootinThoughts) …
Tarun Vijay's senseless comment has given ammunition to these racists.The implication is North Indians are not orignal inhabitants of India
Vent your anger on the perpetrators and destroy them without mercy. Commiserate with the helpless victims. Ask them 2 support U in yr fight!
सही पकड़े हैं । आज @laluprasadrjd अपराधियों जैसे मिमिया कर सफाई दे रहा है। मायावती जैसे कागज में लिखवा कर पढ़ रहा है
भूसाचोर मिट्टीचोर भी है …
He went to the hospital with fake injury only to avoid press till the matter is hushed up!
केजरीवाल का बड़ा आरोप- 18 EVM का बदला गया कोड, जांच को तैयार नहीं EC …
The bastard! 18 EVMS! As though the margin of victory was just 18 in any constituency!
Aam admi Ko phir Se daura pada ! …
No, no! He is assuming himself to be Dharmaputra! The temerity of this bastard!
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