My Tweets Today! (March 31, 2017 11.40 PM to April 1, 2017 7.55 PM (PT,USA)

The US can produce enormous quantities of everything, but not forget unless the world consumes it, all will b a damn waste! Make friends!

Y whole opposition was holding Parliament 2 blackmail w/out whole-heartedly supporting GST? If wishes werCongress had ONLY great slogans to win elections. Modi gave life 2 them! That's was hurting: exposure of their incompetence! If wishes were horses, beggars wud be riding it!

The USA has become so fashion-conscious that it forgets the need Y any1 shud dress @ all, except 4 weather conditions! Bless the free world!
Human species is unique because, after reasoning, it has a choice of how to live its life, unlike animals who live a natural life without any choice of their own. Even as a human you are free to choose to live like an animal. Who cares?
Hope @jenanmousa severe punishment imposed on #Inhumane Employer must b #Heartless Muslim who enjoy others Suffering @UN …

Unfortunately, media hardly follows up any such story. Loses interest R is muscled into silence! People forget! A very sad state of affairs!
Unfortunately, media hardly follows up any such story. Loses interest R is muscled into silence! People forget! A very sad state of affairs!

Homeless Veteran gets a make over. Love this video. Thanks @NIRPUmbrella
Please RETWEET, deserves to go viral click on:

When our own eyes cheat us, whom can U trust? Yr brain. Don't believe what your senses say. U have trained their responses. Think beyond!
Awesome painting by Mr Biswal. Finally the painting goes to honorable PM. Modi 's @narendramodi house ..

OMG! Unbelievable artwork! God bless Shri Biswal!
Demolish Jinnah House and build a public toilet. It will be a great symbol for #swacchbharat
I would rather build a temple there! First to make it 'pavitra'. The second start building a new temple for each one destroyed by Islamists!
Delhi seems to have already made its choice for #MCDelections
MODI CHANTS at Kejriwal's rally in Gautam Vihar

This should happen at each and every AAP meeting to shut it up! Better to be Gandhi's monkeys rather than Kejri's monkeys! watch the video:
Hav seen many pics of CMs holding Janta Durbar sitting at their seat while people come to them. Here, CM is reaching out to evry1. Amazing!

This is how it should be done, dispose of more people with better attention! Yogiji is giving a lesson in time management!
Commerce's Wilbur Ross: US is already in a trade war
The US can produce enormous quantities of everything, but not forget unless the world consumes it, all will b a damn waste! Make friends!
जरूर देखे महिलाये जो दोपहर में आराम से अपने घर पर सोती है या टीवी देखती है बम्बई की लेडीज ट्रेन का दृश्य...

@narendramodi @sureshpprabhu I am proud of our Indian working ladies! Can't we run only alternative "Ladies Only" trains? They deserve it. It'll encourage them 2 seek jobs & help 2 leave home & reach back safely in time 2 take care of the family w/out harassment & eve-teasing. While boarding the crowded trains, they R playing with their own lives every day! Shud V put them 2 this avoidable danger? Shame on us!
Working ladies consist of 50% of the population! Exclusive trains will avoid their competing with males in the crowd leading to molestation! If not alternative trains, even 1 in two or three trains will serve the purpose at least during peak hours.
Shame on you @priyankac19 !
You Stand Nailed, Busted & FullyExposed Peddling Sheer BrazenLies,Better Do
your Homework Properly Nexttime

Y whole opposition was holding Parliament 2 blackmail w/out whole-heartedly supporting GST? If wishes werCongress had ONLY great slogans to win elections. Modi gave life 2 them! That's was hurting: exposure of their incompetence! If wishes were horses, beggars wud be riding it!
Fox, Bill O'Reilly settle claims with five women: New York Times
When U hv wealth U feel U own the world & rules & law don't apply 2 U. That is Y capitalists R hated by others. Not ONLY b'cas U R wealthy!
When U hv wealth U feel U own the world & rules & law don't apply 2 U. That is Y capitalists R hated by others. Not ONLY b'cas U R wealthy!
Goat got your Qur'an? #westminster #london #londonattack #pjnet
We ask in India: "Why do you want to dig up a dead and rotting corpse?"
What travelers need to know about dress codes on major U.S. airlines
The USA has become so fashion-conscious that it forgets the need Y any1 shud dress @ all, except 4 weather conditions! Bless the free world!
Sanjukta Basu @sanjukta
I am a proud beef and pork eater, along with mutton fish rabbit duck. Animals or plants, we eat anything edible. Fuck all religion.
Hi @sanjukta
Even U may be a proud FUCKER of Bull, Pig, Donkey & Cock. Animal or Dildo anything that U like.
Who cares??
Go eat yr words …
Third week Anniversary.... @ArvindKejriwal not having mentioned Modi even once in his tweets..
He is too busy seriously thinking of his after life in Tihar and getting a list of police officers posted there to curry favors now itself!
अब तो केजरीवाल अपनी कमीज के बटन बंद करते हुए भी डरता है, कहीं दब गए तो बीजेपी को वोट न पड़ जाए...

One of the best Kejriwal jokes!
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