My Tweets Today! (April 4, 2017 5.20 PM to April 4, 2017 11.45 PM (PT,USA)
Former minister Yashwant Sinha & 100s arrested in Hazaribag for trying to restart #RamNavami procession thru Mahuda, closed since 1984
@narendramodi When U hv party 'leaders' like Yashwant Sinha, U don't need another Akhilesh Yadav 2 destroy it! It's not enuf that his son is a cabinet minister; he wants personal recognition! He has been creating mischief all along. Time 2 kick him & those alike out of the party.
Unbelievable! During the whole of the last century & so far, there has been a recession when GOP ruled & no recession with Democrats! Y did not anyone notice this & bring out during last election campaign? Even now it's not too late! Let's throw away House GOP next year for good!
@narendramodi Under guidance of Western nations, Congres had followed population control during all the years of its rule. While it is true they were prospering in direct ratio 2 population NOW many prosperous nations find it harder 2 increase their prosperity with their people & R forced 2 welcome people of other countries! In some nations, this has now led 2 massive internal problems. Like in the USA! If Congress had been wise & focused on development rather than population control, v might hv seen better days earlier & also may not hv any worries abt our future, as population-less Western nations do now! The mantra of our PM "Sab Ka Saath, Sab Ka Vikas." is applicable universally!
Presstitutes always publish news abt unusual INTERIM court rulings, but hardly follow up, with the result people R left with different impressions abt what is the settled law as of today! Is it too expensive for them to engage a lawyer-reporter in writing such cases?
Don't you get a feeling Pakistan's military is an entity on its own entirely unconnected & unconcerned with its govt R national interest or what its people want? The deep fissure between Pakistan's govt & army shows that both have nothing to do with each other!
Hame Delhi do Delhi Ko London bana denge
Hume police do sare crime band ho jayenge
Hame EVM do hum dobara Delhi jeet ke Dikha denge …
केजरीवाल का चुनाव आयोग को चैलेंज- हमें EVM दो, साबित कर देंगे छेड़छाड़ होती है... …
If BJP widely publicizes your slogan in Delhi, its candidates will win hands down in all constituencies! Delhi is grateful to you!
Man's 10-year jail term for raping minor 'lover' suspended
Presstitutes always publish news abt unusual INTERIM court rulings, but hardly follow up, with the result people R left with different impressions abt what is the settled law as of today! Is it too expensive for them to engage a lawyer-reporter in writing such cases?
#JammuandKashmir: #Pakistan violates ceasefire in #Degwar sector of #Poonch …
Offering them chairs to sit is not too much to ask for, from @arunjaitley. Leaders have to have humility @narendramodi @AmitShah
Please don't make an issue out of nothing. They do have chairs, they're standing out of respect which is completely their prerogative. …
@AsYouNotWish Some hired pens tweet with a "holier-than-the-Pope" attitude! You can smell their stink by what they say!
Usually Cattle theives are lynched
@narendramodi But those who abandon cows in streets 2 scavenge from dustbins, after milking them 4 8 years, R sell 2 butchers, go scot free! Honestly, can India afford 2 maintain millions of cows past milking 4 abt 20 yrs only 4 the gobar & skin after its death? Honestly, can India afford 2 maintain millions of cows past milking 4 abt 20 yrs only 4 the gobar & skin after its death? Go-shalas, which R businesses run by a few in the guise of charity, can hardly help 1000 each & even they R not too many! Let's not deceive ourselves!
Anand Ranganathan
Anand Ranganathan
Meanwhile, look who is back. Just gets better and better.
Meanwhile, look who is back. Just gets better and better.
Wow!! Ram Jethmalini said that he was ready to do the case pro bono but kejriwal asked him to submit the invoice …

If Kejriwal bad-mouthed Jaitley due 2 his hatred 4 him, Jethmalani, not wanting 2B exposed 4 his greed, lies abt his offer 2 fight pro bono!
They are not "bhatke hue bachche"! See how ashamed they are with their heads bowed down! They have been bought, as the stone throwers!
Why is it that Govt action to favour minority who have been discriminated are called AFFIRMATIVE ACTION in the USA & APPEASEMENT in India?
Sriram @srirambjp 21m
Same way as you dimwits & pipsqueaks on tv call "Communalism", what is called "Conservative" Politics in US of A. …
@srirambjp Excellent response! Besides the words "affirmative action" "Conservative" politics are not used in a pejorative sense in the USA!
Sometimes I am carried away by my own words! I can't blame Ashish Khetan! Most of the Twitterati belong 2 this class @1 time R the other!
Yeh bhtake hue bachon Ko Unka desh pahuncha diya jaye! Sahi hai na @chintskap Ji …

Why is it that Govt action to favour minority who have been discriminated are called AFFIRMATIVE ACTION in the USA & APPEASEMENT in India?
Sriram @srirambjp 21m
Same way as you dimwits & pipsqueaks on tv call "Communalism", what is called "Conservative" Politics in US of A. …
@srirambjp Excellent response! Besides the words "affirmative action" "Conservative" politics are not used in a pejorative sense in the USA!
Highest contribution for Tamizh is by 63 Nayanmars & 12 Azhwars.. which Dravidian movement has buried.. Hence rootless wonders rotting.
Every political party has 2 have its root somewhere. Communists had "socialism," Shiv Sena and other regional parties champion the cause of their regions. In spite of all shortcomings and corruption, Tamil Nadu has done even better than Gujarat in many respects! Since it was rooted in the anti-God platform; naturally, Dravidian parties could not adopt Nayanmars and Azhwars. But on their own, they had done for the Tamil language much more than what other regional parties had done 4 their own local languages! The present problem is transitory in nature.

Elsewhere in jail, Sasikala is watching Kejriwal with Interest & seeking legal opinion on making TN pay her fine of 100 crs.
Ha, Ha, Ha!
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