My Selection of the best of the Tweets I came across so far Today! (April 8, 2017)
Trump foreign policy Go to link for the video:
Trump is a better barber than a President! See the video! You will laugh your guts out!
क्या सामान्य जाति का परिवार आर्थिक रूप से कमज़ोर नहीं हो सकता ?तो फिर फ़ीस में छूट केवल आरक्षित जाति के लिए क्यूँ ?
The ideal is 2 make edun free. So available funds hv 2B allocated 2 most deserving! W/out it weaker sections won't send children 2 schools!
If we can tolerate an Italy born lady as Super PM for 10 years, it's perfectly OK that an India born @akshaykumar getting Best Actor award …
You love or hate a person first for something even unknown to you. Then your mind builds up more reasons for strengthening that feeling.
Amazing... why do we need Shivaji statue that costs 3.6k crores?! Do listen before commenting. For video Go to Link

@narendramodi We should learn from this anonymous lady! I salute her with my bowed head! Will someone disclose her name? PM shud honor her. PL RT
Syrian governor confirms air base operating again …
Now would you believe it was all a drama enacted by Trump & Putin 2 divert the attention of people for a few moments on TV & a comparatively peaceful weekend? The idiot was showing off 2 the Chinese premier & made a fool of himself and denigrated the august office he is holding. How cud our military chiefs hv concurred with this fool in this misadventure? Totally disappointed. If this was their way of exposing him, then "Well done! Keep it up!" But let it come out that it was his order & U cud only execute it in such way that it avoided a conflagration!
@narendramodi Maybe I'm mad. I'm not a racist. I just feel superior 2 any other race. I think 1 becomes racist when he considers his own religion inferior 2 others & then starts imagining fault with them & the goodness of his own. Does a really intelligent person go abt claiming he is intelligent & others R fools? Does a beautiful woman go abt calling others ugly? Y can't v go abt our business? Pl RT
Simple they shud ban vehicles …
Comedian Bob Hope had a solution 2 get the German submarines come out over Pacific: Simply boil sea water, they will come out to breath!
#OddEven formula of Kashmir. On odd days, beg soldiers from Indian army to save them fm floods, on even days pelt stones at them! …
Can't our soldiers return the compliment to those pelting stones at them? It is better than shooting pellets & being blamed for it!
Close Enough ? RT link:

They tried this on our Prime Minister 4 quite long, but he came out with flying colors. Let's continue with this till she goes to Pakistan!
Is it possiblee to completely boycott Kash apples dry fruits etc like Arab boycott of Israel. If so, let us do it …
Probably U can import better California apples & dry fruits cheaply. Here they are selling for dimes!
This is the response !
If we STOP one 1000 more will come to convert Hindus !
Probably Christians have not heard of the great Indian antiseptic / germicide "Tulsi Jal"! It kills all germs including Christian bugs!
Some awards given by Congress govt :
1.Saif Ali Khan : Padma Shri
2.Barkha Dutt : Padma Shri
3.Shekhar Gupta : Padma Bhushan !
@narendramodi Maybe Padma Awards shud b named differently so that scums like these are not associated with genuine awards in future! Pl RT
@narendramodi Freedom of Expression killed communism. They R giving the same medicine 2 democracy 2 kill it! Even nectar in excess poison! PL RT
Couldn't they find a rope and a tree
French police escort firebrand Swiss imam to the border Go to:
U R right! No scripture says U shud b compassionate 2 those who want 2 kill U! Even Jesus limited it 2 only those who wanted 2 hurt U!
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