From what US media says, there is no doubt, all our intelligence agencies be it Defense, Foreign Service, Treasury or FBI, had the goods, and plenty of it, on Trump well before he was on the way to becoming GOP nominee. Probably the President was not informed about these investigations AFTER he became a Presidential candidate of GOP for whatever justification the agencies may sight now, but surely they had an obligation to tell him about what was going on. I don’t think they would have failed in their duty.
Then why did not President Obama call the bluff and got Trump kicked out of the race? There could be several reasons. He might have left the decision to Hillary as she was the Democratic candidate. Or both of them wanted Trump to be the candidate whom they thought they could have defeated easily and kept the knowledge about Russian involvement in US election affairs for future use. They might have also thought by disclosing their hand, they may, in fact, strengthen Trump’s hands and give him a way out by his saying Hillary was lying because she was losing. Of course, the Intelligence Agencies would not have taken sides as they did not do later on. In the circumstances, they thought it better to keep a lid on this Russian connection.
We should admit Putin has been playing his hand better. He had all the trumps! Just to persuade Hillary from having second thoughts, Putin had the Wikileaks papers published. Following the great clamor, even FBI Chief was forced to take a neutral stand, as it would have painted him as a partisan, had he done anything otherwise. With this, Putin not only put a stop, though tentatively, from his Trump connection coming into the open, but used it to move voters deserting Hillary and turning to Trump. Thus Putin has jumped over the well, but only half the way through.
Left to himself, I don’t think Obama would have spared Trump even before he was nominated. But probably he deferred to Party Chiefs and the nominee. In hindsight, many will differ with his decision. He could have put the nation’s interest first before party’s. After all, there were no credible candidates in GOP list, including Trump! There was not much to be worried in that direction when compared to national interest.
What now? Now that the doors of the impregnable fort of secrets of our intelligence agencies are left partially open, willingly or otherwise, let us throw them open entirely. Once that is done, in no time Trump will go back to his Towers, may be to jump down all the way. Then maybe … ...
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