TWEETS : From March19, '17 10.55 PM to March 20, 2017 8.15 PM(PDT,USA)
Shud a young spend all his time in just learning @ least 3 languages in India? When V want 2 educate our children on a mass scale, what's wrong in teaching them in mother tongue & in English? Even now how many college-educated speak among themselves in Hindi? Some small nations R doing very well with their own languages, not in spite of, but because they R small. All big countries speak several languages & also have been developing their own besides English 4 very long. V have not had a very long time as an independent nation 2 develop our own languages.
भारत में यह बदलाव बहुत जल्दी लाया जा सकता है। केवल राजनैतिक संकल्प की आवश्यकता है।
@yogi_adityanath @mlkhattar
I respected Mukeshiji Ambani all along; now I love him. When asked by Rajdeep if he was not the most powerful man, Mukeshji laughed & replied, "I never took U seriously!" Rajdeep laughed widely as they say in Tamil like a bull which had just tasted the fresh urine of a cow!
@ShobhaaDe is right. Constitution was amended 2 say so by Indira Gandhi only 2 please her daughter in law even though she didn't believe it!
India never a 'secular' nation.It was't in constitution either.
IndiraG inserted it fraudulently in constitution during #Emergency
Grow up! …

Wake me up, India still calling itself a secular nation????
I was surprised to learn that Trump had declared himself bankrupt SIX times before he was elected as President! Then why are we complaining? If U put a scorpion on the throne be ready & willing 2B repeatedly stung R get it off pronto! If it got there by stealth, U know what 2 do!
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Intel.Agencies don't disclose what they R investigating nor any progress they R making R results thereof! Y not compel them constitutionally 2 submit 2 SC PERIODICALLY outlines of such cases in progress with dates & full conclusions on completed cases publicly 4 directions? This will also help as a check on both WH & Intl Agencies w/out their losing independence 2 act directly & w/out SC's or any interference.
Sen. Gowdy started with a bang and could not hold his gas, and concluded with a whimper, making himself a laughing stock!
If U think of living lazily 4ever with the pittance U will get 4 the few days of work U get monthly under MGNREGA, it proves U R empty head!
@kanimozhi I hail from a small village from South TN & know for a fact that how NAC has made our people lazy through this crap MGNREGA
Law, the backbone of democracy, has been totally corrupted by lawyers; Judges, belonging 2 the same clan, R elected/selected by politicians! V shud hv separate stream of independent & specialized education up 2 the highest level, devoted solely 2 teach & develop impartial judges, with no connection 2 party politics & own administration? Only an independent judiciary can protect & interpret the Constitution rightly.
The court might consider giving a few months' extension only to stocks on hand, subject to some heavy fine. They shud hv stopped prodn well in time and sold away stock at good discount, instead of hoping to force govt to extend the date for sale.
The bench posted the matter for further hearing on March 24. …
Funny guys! They should have kicked him to have put Iraq on the travel ban list in the first place!
Iraqi leader thanks Trump for removing Iraq from travel ban list
It will be interesting if he is defeated! A new awakening for Kashmir!
J&K bypolls: Farooq Abdullah files nomination from Srinagar …
This is a great day 4 Indian Judicial system. Now, with the full support of the government, it can move forward in appointing well-qualified judges for all vacancies in all the Courts and try to solve the perennial delays faced. The next on their agenda should be reforming the whole system for quicker delivery and doing away with the wide-spread collusion of judges & lawyers in the endless game of adjournments!
Centre can now reject judges for Supreme Court, high courts on grounds of 'national security'
Why does he want to fight a losing battle? But Hardik Patel & Kejriwal may flatly refuse to join him after what Congress did to Akhilesh!
LOP Shankersinh Vaghela on Monday hinted at an alliance between Congress and NCP ahead of the Gujarat elections …
Ultimately, it will be Obamacare, that will be the disaster that will unseat the Tramp!
Trump's talking about what a disaster #Obamacare has been in KY...
KY uninsured rate has dropped from 20.4% to 7.8% …
Even B4 the plan is announced a gate @ a cost of Rs.1 lakh has been built 2 keep people away frm butterflies! See efficient AAP govt @ work!
Delhi government to develop a butterfly park …
@dhume U seem 2 believe 1 has 2 b double faced & split tongued 2B a successful politician! Hv U seen the new vibrant India led by Modiji?
Apparently "senior BJP leaders" want us to believe that Modi can win UP on his own, but is powerless to pick its CM.
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