My Tweets Today! (March 31, 2017 7.40 AM to March 31 , 2017 8.00 PM (PT,USA)
Spurious plastic eggs in lakhs were sold in Calcutta market! In Mamta's govt sab chalta hai! Time 4 intervention?
President Trump
Why Trump is praising Obama? A surge is what happens AFTER the top is reached. Not at the
bottom. His slogan is deceptive.
@narendramodi That'll b the last budget of Congress. But it'll not b there 2 implement it. If @ all it does, Karnataka will go bankrupt! Compare previous promise/implementation levels of BJP 2 know the difference between bluffing & promising! Congress takes people 4 fools!
@Grammarly tries to correct the numeral '2' when used in place of 'to' in tweets assuming it 2B a verb! Quite annoying!
Let's continue celebrating #PappuDiwas till Delhi Elections are over and results announced! #PappuDiwas.
NDTV is such an expert in smelling death & shit it reaches wherever there is even a chance of death! Especially of Indians! Scavenger media!

Rana Ayyub @RanaAyyub
U R 100% right! 4 a growing population more land is required 4 development & agriculture. A moratorium on expansion of graveyards is a must!
I envy the large circle of your acquaintances! #PappuDiwas.
WBengal is a shining example of what will happen 2 India if v remain divided ourselves into party lines. Where R the courageous Bengalis who lighted the fire of freedom? Hv the commies managed 2 castrate them 2 this level? Of disowning their religion to such an extent that it does not matter to them their State is on the verge of being taken over by another nation? Has the culture of Hindus become so foreign to them?
@narendramodi Even if Bengalis R willing 2 give up, India will never give U up! Take my word! U R part & parcel of our culture. U R not just hair R nail of the Hindu body. U R the son of the mother & the 1 who taught us how 2 salute her with "Vande Mataram!" Don't commit suicide!
See what commies have done 2 Bengal's own son Subir Ghosh! He does not even know who his mother is when he is standing on her! 'MA' is how U call out 2 your mother when U R in distress! Now that she is in great peril, would you not wake up & go 2 her help? What 4 R U waiting 4?
Spurious plastic eggs in lakhs were sold in Calcutta market! In Mamta's govt sab chalta hai! Time 4 intervention?
President Trump
A new surge in optimism is sweeping across our land! #MakeAmericaGreatAgain

bottom. His slogan is deceptive.
Karnataka Budget 2017 - complete list of minority benefits …
@Grammarly tries to correct the numeral '2' when used in place of 'to' in tweets assuming it 2B a verb! Quite annoying!
#AprilFoolsDay It is 1.11 A.M. on 1st. April i.e. April Fools' Day.
And Look What Is #Trending Right Now #PappuDiwas.
If my NDTV reported that the student is dead, he is dead. This bhakt ambassador should be suspended for spreading lies against NDTV.

Rana Ayyub @RanaAyyub
Some of d most expensive land in India on which stand corporate houses & 5 stars belong to the Waqf board. Will @narendramodi look into this
I am more interested in land wasted in graveyards that's should be accounted for there is no use to waste precious land on graveyards …
U R 100% right! 4 a growing population more land is required 4 development & agriculture. A moratorium on expansion of graveyards is a must!
What a bunch of witless troglodytes …
Trump to Pence:: "He has one hell of a good marriage going"
I envy the large circle of your acquaintances! #PappuDiwas.
Barring devotees frm praying during d early mrng MangalArati at DakshineshwarKaliMandir is just unpardnable. U nd armed guards 2protect MA?
@narendramodi Even if Bengalis R willing 2 give up, India will never give U up! Take my word! U R part & parcel of our culture. U R not just hair R nail of the Hindu body. U R the son of the mother & the 1 who taught us how 2 salute her with "Vande Mataram!" Don't commit suicide!
See what commies have done 2 Bengal's own son Subir Ghosh! He does not even know who his mother is when he is standing on her! 'MA' is how U call out 2 your mother when U R in distress! Now that she is in great peril, would you not wake up & go 2 her help? What 4 R U waiting 4?
#UttarPradesh सरकार ने सभी विश्वविद्यालयों में हड़ताल पर तीन महीने के लिए प्रतिबंध लगाया …
@narendramodi A wise ruler will never issue an order which cannot b enforced & once given, which he may not b prepared 2 enforce @ any cost!

Who are the Koch brothers? What is their agenda? And how are they undermining our democracy?
Sage Chanakya:"A ruler shud never allow the power of any1 2 grow 2 such an extent that he becomes powerful enough 2 challenge him later on."
Who are the Koch brothers? What is their agenda? And how are they undermining our democracy?
@narendramodi Sage Chanakya:"A King shud never allow the power of any other 2 grow 2 such an extent he becomes powerful enough 2 challenge the King himself later on." This applies 2 modern govt also. Ministers, Commanders, & prominent businessmen should be kept under control.
We are going to take on the billionaire class and transform this country so it works for everyone not just the 1%. …
The problem with Bernie is he can associate all ills 2 billionaire class. He wud hv been much more credible had he toned down his rhetoric!
This brilliant gem from WhatsApp, on 'India in 2030'. I don't even know where to begin...
Nothing happens which has not been dreamt by someone somewhere! Tathastu!
DO log in WITHOUT FAIL for video! You will be thrilled!

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