My Tweets Today! (March 30, 2017 7.10 PM to March 30 , 2017 11.55 PM (PT,USA)
When will it become easier for Indians to pay their taxes?Most people need an accountant's help.
When they earn enough to pay taxes after paying for food, shelter and interest on loans already taken, if anything is left!
How India quietly pulled up @amazon over doormat insulting national flag
I think pitying will b more appropriate! All these nations were born & bred in religious violence. Will not learn till both are exhausted! Their eyes will open only very near extinction, and I only hope it is not too late by then!
How India quietly pulled up @amazon over doormat insulting national flag
Happens when your business is run by computers and not by real employees! You think you have control, but don't know who is controlling you!

Ban on sale of BS-3 vehicles: Y not sell the whole lot 2 their subsidiary & it sells them later on as used cars? All know they will be new!
फर्जी जाति प्रमाण पत्र मामले में भाजपा महिला सांसद तलब, अंतिम नोटिस जारी …
@narendramodi Surprising the matter is hanging for so many years in a BJP ruled State!
As we move towards lighting another village,
villagers enthusiastically join our workers in moving transformers in inaccessible areas
@narendramodi 4 how much can U buy a vote? Not 4 laptop, not 4 cycles! Indeed, 4 assured bijli 4 a few hrs daily! Basic needs fetch votes!

In this fuss over Nominated MPs not attending Rajya Sabha, I am proud that I have an attendance record (to date) of 70 out of 78. 

You should get a Nobel Prize if you also sat through whole days of proceedings!
Sad that Vande Mataram has become object of mockery for some post-nationals. This was the mantra that forged national consciousness.
Yes, U R right. When things like this happen, I wonder whether we really deserve Freedom of Expression! Are we giving a garland to monkeys?
NaMo was known as an innovative field organizer: An example from 1980s Gujarat #KnowTheMan on NM App
@narehndramodi U hv taught us Indians that "motivation" is the mother of all inputs in any successful campaign, be it political R business!
BJP's problem all parties r anti BJP. Dis situation needs 2 b corrected. Dats d purpose.
@narendramodi Congress was in the same position long back. Then others joined it and just as Ganga, it also became maili and ultimately lost people's support! BJP should learn a lesson from this and while accepting support from other parties, should not dilute its core values.
Not long ago, Europe and UK watched in glee, as Islamists ravaged through Hindus in Kashmir. Should I sympathize?? …
Biggest challenge for BJP supporters is to keep sanity & humility in the face of staggering success. Remember arrogance of fallen regimes
Please also remember that the regimes U sight, ruled for quite long with arrogance before they fell. BJP rulers cannot be faulted for that!
खौफ किसे कहते हैं
फुरसत मे बैठे बैठे एक विचार आया की भंयकर गर्मी मे @narendramodi जी फिर से लाईन मे खडा कर दे तो?
खाली विचार है मित्रों
If this is what you think of our PM, even as an idiotic joke, I can only pity you!
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