Trump rises from dead! The only way he escaped consequences all his life was by blaming it on others.
He has a fall guy now: Paul Rayon!
Hey! Why R U kicking the ball in your own court? I am seeking govt's help to save the middle class! What's wrong with you?
Ria @banerji1
Middle classes should save themselves ... why is it up to Modi ? Have their brains been eaten by aliens ?? …
Yes. Modi Govt can do something about this and save the middle class & poor from dreading to send their children to better schools only
Ria @banerji1
British throw back
School uniforms are one of the biggest fraud & fleecing done by education institutions .
Sub standard uniforms , but buy from schools
The idea of brining back the Healthcare Bill was only to keep it in suspense while the GOP members opposed to it are softned! Trump will claim: Of course, I lost the bout, but did you notice : I did not fall by the front and hit the dirt with my nose?
The idea of bringing back the Healthcare Bill was only to keep it in suspense while the GOP members opposed to it are softened!
If U thought this is the last fight of Trump think again! A super egoist like him tends 2 burn the house & go down with it, rather than leaving it 4 others 2 live in peacefully! He will go 2 ANY EXTENT without thinking about any consequences to self or nation. Let's fight with his misguided ideas, not with his misguided followers! Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing.
Euphoric & visually pleased 2 find this open competition among our Indian ladies! Incidentally Y do they seem 2 get more modern as they age? …
Y do they feel compelled to come out with those secrets which they were covering up all these days? Last hurrah before laying down?
HT Cafe
Our host for the evening @mandirabedi is here #HTMostStylish @htTweets

@AmiteshK01 Thanks a lot for this funny, eye-opening info! May I expect more of these gems from all the States? One more way to expose corruption! Wherever you see it, put it on social media and keep on RTing it, till it is eliminated!
W/out proper documents 600 buses "Yadav Travels" bearing names of Mulayam & Laloo plying in UP, #YogiSarkar begins clampdown
My Brother/Sister Indians! Let's all be more careful abt any & every religious person whom you do not know well, irrespective of his dress! All religions have their overflowing quota of imposters who are out for their own intentions other than purely religious! It is the duty of every recognized BJP leader, whether in robes or otherwise, 2 make sure their names R not taken in any fundraising or other campaigns!
@suman1938 @suman1938 12.07 PM
If Trump doesn't have numbers, he wud not allow a voting today! As every loser, he will think, with time in his hands, he is still in play! Trump possibly cannot know how many will vote in which way! It is a matter of how he will think in the circumstances! Determined winners or losers, all don't give up until last moment, especially if they had not planned well in advance.
Creating panic in opposition by bluff is the last card in the hands of a loser. Be ready for a rumor to sweep over, stating the vote is in GOP's pocket and all round rejoicing just as voting nears! 3.31 PM ET
Withdrawing the bill indicates a victory for not Democrats or GOPs. It is a victory for the older generation belonging to both parties!
Now that Trump has withdrawn lost his challenge, if he is a gentleman, as he claims to be, he will concede defeat and resign. But he never admitted to being a gentleman, but was only a loser, pauper, debauch, lier, brainless idiot, never admitting to his defeats time after time!
When Trump cud win Presidency against all the odds, y he cud not win on healthcare issue? Wrong thinking, just as bad timing 4 losing vote.
Trump should recall the old proverb: He should not try to cut the head 2 suit the cap.He is trying to cut the wrong thing 2 suit the budget!
After their Waterloo, too soon 4 GOP 2B rejoicing their victory in SC! Let them remember V hv 8 more judges 2 keep in check any unruly 9th!
Trump was so venomous against Obama's continuing huge popularity that he wanted to score a victory by demolishing it on its 7th anniversary! Had he kept his sense of revenge in check, who knows, he might have had a win with proper planning! He cud hv given it even his own name!
9th Annual SFO DreamHouse Raffle by Yerba Buena Center for the arts is on! Have you EVER seen a list of winners of this Raffle? Even those buy tickets @ $150 don't get a courtesy copy which should not cost 20c! Are concerned agencies & media fast asleep?agencies & media fast asleep?
Funnily V R not even very poor, sick or belong mostly 2 generations of oldies! V R healthy. The reason is insurers, hospitals & pharma looting ALL tax-payers with the connivance of ALL lawmakers, bankers & lawyers! Fight them together, hold rallies against higher taxes!
Y most poor & not well educated don't take 2 crime but rather prefer 2 work hard & remain poor? Not that they don't get a chance. But because they R afraid of harsh punishments. Was society wrong in having been more human and turning criminals into inhuman terrorists?
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I touch yr feet & offer my obeisance, my brother! U hv opened our eyes! If V ourselves don't feel proud of practicing our religion in open, how can v expect others 2 respect ours? Let's adorn us with religious symbols openly, wear our mode of dress & show v r proud of them!

I liked the "Rejine"!
Sanghis have forced Eminent Journalist @Rohinisgh_ET to deactivate her Twitter account.
Sad day for democracy.
Modi Shud Rejine.
If I were a Republican, I wud have committed suicide today! Those who denigrated Affordable Healthcare Act as "Obamacare" hv now been shamed by it even after 7-year efforts & majority in both houses & with their own President! America is Great because it belongs 2 its People!
The problem 4 Trump now: Those respectable among GOP will spurn him & the others will think they R much better than him! Who'll support him?
Now GOP knows its days R LITERALLY NUMBERED & the countdown has started. Will start with their losing the Senate next year & then in 2020! Dilemma 4 GOP senators: Unless they oppose President from now on there is no ? of their getting elected @ all! There go all Bills of Trump!
They are not Islamic to eat any shit served other than that of their liking!

Haan, haan, haan! Mein bhool gaya tha! Yeh Brahanji ne yaad dilaya! Bhagwan unko aashirwaad dein! (I am crying while typing this!)
At Lucknow airport...Garv se kaho hum Hindu Hei!
Source: WA
Desert born Islam's survival depended upon more births and therefore multi marriages and women being treated as personal property followed. It took Christianity also several centuries before it got out of the clutches of the Church. To us in the present age, evolution seems to be taking very long as human race now appears to be progressing in all spheres of life at lightning speed! AM NOT JUSTIFYING B'DESH ACTION!
New Bangladesh law—rapist won't be punished if he marries victim.So abduct & rape Hindu girl. Marry up to 4, no punishment. Talaq, repeat …
When a dog becomes mad, no one can predict its next action; but all know it will be uncontrollable and can cause immense harm. Watch Trump!
Pl don't remind how the USA came 2 Constitutionally elect a mad with minority popular vote as President! Its democracy is a hilarious joke!
India questions New York Times' wisdom in deriding democratic election of Hindu Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh State. @BillionIndian @POTUS
If one Brahmin's chant can make so many waves when we Hindus together take to chanting "Jai Shri Ram!".
All I can say is when the Brahmin chanted his god's name..No one ran for cover. …

Y AAPpu has not yet blamed Modiji 4 knowingly holding elections @ the start of summer only 2 defeat his party? Is he expecting 2 do a Goa?
Not even summer yet, and load shedding has started in Delhi. Thank you, @ArvindKejriwal #BluffMaster
Let's keep on re-tweeting every week until something is done about this!
Corruption is not only when money changes hands. its also when favors are done on a quid pro quo basis.

There are time, place and age for everything. Schools and colleges should be used only 4 education & they are known as temples of learning!
Where is this Raghunath college located ? Secular state or communal state .. let the outrage begin …

'Girls shouldn't have boyfriends; it's against Indian culture': Sneha Gupta, Principal of Raghunath College to @TanushreePande
Why should not you be beaten for asking silly questions and wasting the time of all?
Air India staff beaten for doing their job.
Doctors beaten for doing their job.
Why can't politicians be beaten for NOT doing their job?
Surprised U could not find any better use 4 your money! It is NOT porn cartoon! It is the utterly vulgar depiction of sex. Look B4 you leap!
Anannya Bohidar of JNU did her PhD on porn cartoon Savita Bhabi
We funded even this
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