My Tweets Today! (March 29, 2017 10.00 AM to March 29 , 2017 11.50 PM (PT,USA)
‘This Is the Real America.’ Indian Americans Give the Kansas Bar Shooting Hero $100,000 for a House - TIME article!
Where is an embarrassment? RS Oppn proved they R paper tigers as their amendments R worthless as Finance Bills R passed only by LS majority! …
‘This Is the Real America.’ Indian Americans Give the Kansas Bar Shooting Hero $100,000 for a House - TIME article!
Where is an embarrassment? RS Oppn proved they R paper tigers as their amendments R worthless as Finance Bills R passed only by LS majority! …
Govt faced a huge embarrassment in RS as 5 amendments moved by the Opposition to the Finance Bill 2017 were adopted
Did U hear a word of apology from the presstitutes & anti-nationals, who R wearing a burqa of 'Freedom of Speech'? Keep benaquaabing them!
Terrorist Burhan Wani fan club in Lutyens Ecosystem is a cause for bigger concern as it misleads & misguided people in J&K too. …
Burhan Wani fan club sounds terribly silent tonight. Guess when evidence against your team is compelling, ducking for cover is only option.
This trait is common in even wild animals when tamed. But human beings have developed a sense of enjoyment in violence & killing which even animals entirely lack! Animals don't attack unless hungry or threatened. They don't attack and kill for freedom or religious principles if they have any! That is where Hinduism differs from other religions. Give up these developed, and not 'natural', senses of pleasure/sorrow, love/hate, etc. If you accept one as good, you can't reject the opposite. You will be half Hindu once you accept it even in principle!
Purushothman Vaikath @purushueme
Gratitude is the first sign of a thinking, rational creature. - Solanus Casey #quote
Will U pl post immdtly a link 2 whole article U had quoted? It's very informative & educative & a must read 4 every Hindu 4 self-protection!
Deplorable kafir @KafirDeplorable
Every Hindu who wants to safeguard his family should read this! If you know the modus operandi of your enemy you had won half the war!
Lil Refugees dreaming of heaven start w Sikh Temples n move to Kindergarten kids.
has imported real experts @V_of_Europe @TarekFatah

Shiv Sena shud know goondagardi is illegal irrespective of the religion of goondas? V remove that part of our body where gangrene sets in!
‘Shiv Sena’ notice to Gurgaon shop owners: ‘We close meat shops every year, it’s nothing new’ …
Luke 23:34 (With appropriate changes!) Jesus said: "Father, forgive them, for he does not know what he is saying!" Parliament or Bazaar?
In debate, Mulayam Singh Yadav speaks on everything else but GST
@narendramodi Speaker Sumitraji doesn't hv a backbone. Shud b pulled up R better still replaced. V did not get a road-roller majority 2 run 'everything-goes' Parliament that she's is running! 24- hour Free-4-all has become the rule. The Reputation of Parliament is more important than concern 4 her popularity. BJP has much better talent. Oppn is gasping 4 breath! Hit the iron while it's hot! Golden Opportunity!
Speaker Sumitraji doesn't hv a backbone. Shud b pulled up R better still replaced. V did not get a road-roller majority 2 run a goody-goody Parliament the way she is running! Free-4-all has become the rule than an exception. Honor and reputation of Parliament is more important than concern 4 her own popularity. V hv much better talent in BJP. Oppn is gasping 4 breath! Hit the iron while it is hot! Golden Opportunity!
By openly supporting Brexit Tramp has made enemies out of all European friends in one shot! Also, has lost the support of all immigrant-ecitizens from those countries; GOP or Democrats! Of course, has made his puppeteer happy! Believe still there is time for all! May God help!
@narendramodi He shud attend all parties & eat every meal along with a dozen leaders. @ the end of it, he shud show that he is leaving his plate clean & tell them 2 set an example without being ashamed of it! If other leaders follow him, enough! People have always been with him!

By coming back again NOW, 2 join the hollering Democrats against Trump, Hillary is NOT helping them, but dividing them. Also, she is giving a great opportunity 2 Trump 2 go after her & totally divert the nation's focused attention against him! Some do think they are born to lead! Democrats can do without her now. She has done enough to hard the party and the nation! Enough of old bandicoots! Let's have new leaders!
How can I thank you for these beautiful pictures! Will ever remember you!
@Shehla_Rashid गाय को हम अपनी #माँ इसलिए मानते है क्योंकि गौ माता भेद भाव नहीं करती..सबको एक नज़र से देखती है..माँ आखिर एक माँ होती है

Is it the calm waiting for a storm in April and thereafter?
ठीक भी है, केजरी के बग़ैर ट्विटर सूना लगता है, आखिर कोई तो हो जिसे हम जलील कर सकें।
So kejri will start his Randi Rona today and back into news ?
@narendramodi Think for a moment. Stones R thrown because guns R not freely available! Secondly, U get paid 4 throwing stones! Engage youth in creative activities, entertainment, sports & even small paying jobs. Use canes - I know they really hurt where it matters! Is it too difficult to video them & warn parents of the serious consequences? As U know police everywhere acts with incentives!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
But our presstitutes R Gandhi's monkeys on this issue and still hold it is a matter which made Burhan become a martyr and so must be right!
Sunanda Vashisht
Sunanda Vashisht
We have known for years that stone pelters in valley are being paid. All Kashmir reporters know this. And yet no one dared to report this.
OMG! Just because he knows he will be kicked out and put in jail, he is enjoying his last few days in cold comfort!
In contrast aam admi @ArvindKejriwal 's June 2015 electricity bill was 1.34 lac from 30 ACs ! …
Who is holding him from setting up his slaughter with all legal necessities and submit an application? I am sure it will be processed much faster than he would have expected during Akhilesh's regime without greasing any palms!
There should be a process for him to bring up his shop to code and become legal @CMOffic …
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