TWEETS : From March 27, '17 8.58 AM to March 27 , 2017 9.07 PM (PT,USA)
There was no excuse 4 Ravindra Gaikwad 2 assault airline employee repeatedly. The least would be to ban him at least for a limited duration. If he is now left Scott free, it will set an appalling example that BJP is losing its grip on the rule of law for electoral considerations.
These "baal ka khaal nikalnewale" presstitutes are national enemies! These once good journos, now frustrated, want to remain on headlines!
@narendramodi This should also be seen all Muslims of India 2 ponder why even after 70 years of living together they R just mute spectators!
Moderate Muslim
B4 He Slaughters U
Let Me Remind U
He Does Not
Represent Islam
There was no excuse 4 Ravindra Gaikwad 2 assault airline employee repeatedly. The least would be to ban him at least for a limited duration. If he is now left Scott free, it will set an appalling example that BJP is losing its grip on the rule of law for electoral considerations.
These "baal ka khaal nikalnewale" presstitutes are national enemies! These once good journos, now frustrated, want to remain on headlines!
Condemnable statement that tars all Muslims as eve teasers
Beef is selling @ Rs250/lb. Is it what the 'poor' Indian Muslim eats R students of Aligarh Muslim Univ. is fed daily? In the US it's selling almost at the same price! What is wrong with Indian Muslims? Whom are they trying to hoodwink? All should learn to live within means!
This seems to be an official tweet. Happy 2 know made DMs & CMOs responsible for the death of hungry & sick. Is it a serious order R a joke? He is giving fodder 2 presstitutes by so many orders daily & asking staff & officers 2 work daily 20 hrs. Even yogis don't pray 4 that long!
Appeasement of minorities, originally started by the Congress, continues to spread all over the nation like poison. Where will it end? B4 we become a laughing stock of the world and our exchequer runs out of funds, the SC shud put a stop 2 financial assistance 2 all pilgrimages.
No secular state would do this. No Islamic or even Christian state But Indian #ChristoIslamic state is unique. …
How do the NYT reporters distinguish the bodies of civilians & terrorists bombed to death? This tries to equate them with their death. Terrorists were executed, but civilians were killed incidentally. This war is cruel. But very much necessary. NYT shud not try dilute focus.
NYT reporters went to Mosul, Iraq, to assess an increase in civilian deaths as the U.S. ramps up fight against ISIS
Foreign investors R fair weather birds! They fly away at a whiff of trouble which they create; they live for themselves, as their name says!
The combined investment by Foreign Portfolio Investors into Indian equity and debt segments in March 2017 is a whopping Rs.38,445 crores!
Why should not back stabbers and self-seekers be punished? They asked for it.
Britain is increasingly concerned the EU will try to punish it for leaving the bloc
Maybe because the State and government themselves R the minorities! Maybe the SC shud order a "Majority Rights Panel" 2 protect its rights!
Supreme Court asks Centre, Jammu and Kashmir government why no panel for minority rights protection in the state …
What a sea change! Supreme Court has come of age after 70 years!
Supreme Court asks Centre, Jammu and Kashmir government why no panel for minority rights protection in the state …
@narendramodi Fantastic representation of what is in the mind of all Indians & exposes cat-in-the-wall-Muslims & Presstitutes in 1 stroke!

Trump Tower 2B renamed White House as President will officially B assisted by his whole family in his onerous job, 4 which WH is too small!
Britishers have left long back, but yet murdering English has not stopped! What is this 'regularization'? In the guise of 'correction', it has come 2 mean 'making legal which was originally illegal.' When slaughterhouses had 'no licenses', what's there 2 'regularize'? Maybe we should 'regularize' all our temples which have been, of course, wrongly taken over, including Rama Janmabhoomi Temple!
NDTV @ndtv
Uttar Pradesh should give slaughterhouses time for regularisation: Asaduddin Owaisi …
NDTV @ndtv
Uttar Pradesh should give slaughterhouses time for regularisation: Asaduddin Owaisi …

Only because of self-centered leaders like Yechury, CPI, which once had real communists, now cannot even claim to have pseudo-communists!
Donald J. Trump
By condemning House Freedom Caucus, Trump has dug his own grave! There is no chance of his getting any of his bills passed, including Great America Budget! He is starkly facing his Waterloo! He may even lose his mind and Ivanka may take over, like Eleanor did!
Good! It was the only crime, which if you succeed in committing, you cannot be punished! I am happy SC is coming out with great judgments!
You would not believe it, my friend Bhatnagar had relatives in U.P. with names of vegetables! It is a fact!
I am afraid U R not fair! Did you read her statement? She believes in what she does! Haven't U heard "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder? Does one have to pirouette around in a bikini to look beautiful? If we can read well, we should not be wearing glasses and vice versa!
Great photographs from China! Unbelievable, really!
When party loses votes , guys lose brains. An example @SitaramYechury . He does not know what #AadharCard is. …
Much like #Matrix, an #Aadhaar number can just vanish and you won't be a citizen anymore: Sitaram Yechury
@narendramodi Govt shud ensure 'interested parties' like State police, don't set up duplicate check posts & collect toll tax frm the unwary!
#Odisha: Govt decides to abolish all unified inter-state check-gates, except Nalda border check-gate from beginning of next month.
The 'never-say-die' hero! Once, he was asked while going around a zoo, "How did you find the African elephant?"; he replied, "I don't think there was any elephant because I did not see any!". If U believe Trump, it was the House Freedom Caucus which lost Obamacare vote, not GOP!
The Republican House Freedom Caucus was able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. After so many bad years they were ready for a win!
Conveniently for black money holders & especially politicians & the corrupt, 1 & 2nd R bank holidays, 2 facilitate backdating transactions!
Tamil Nadu man deposits Rs 246 crore undisclosed income in bank, to pay tax: I-T
Does anyone realize that it's our patriotic combined intelligence agencies which R fighting the President & making him go around in circles? He cannot do anything about it. They will get him out of WH and will merge in the background to continue with their service to the nation!
Parliament passes mental health bill, decriminalises suicide …
You would not believe it, my friend Bhatnagar had relatives in U.P. with names of vegetables! It is a fact!
Public Distribution Scheme scan of food grains in UP. Father name Alu, sons called Loki, Bhindi. Mother is baingan

How does it work when she was fully covered? The 'misconceptions' are intact bibi! No point participating in beauty pageant fully covered!
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