My Tweets Today! (March 30, 2017 8.18 AM to March 30 , 2017 7.10 PM (PT,USA)
Schumer giving centrists like him room 2 decide how to vote on SC judge issue, mindful that 10 Democrats face reelection in states Trump won in Nov. Now U know what matters 2 politicians, it's not national interest, it's their & their party's interest! Spit on them as a whole!
V shud all thank Freedom Caucus 4 showing it's NOT in the majority in its own party & unless its 'enemies' come in 2 support it, its own existence as a viable force will vanish. Now people know who R controlling GOP & their history and also whom 2 vote in next election! Democrats shud keep away from this internecine battle & stay neutral, lest it helps Caucus senators' support base getting strong and united!
Political Cartoons in the US Media R the best in the world. Original, 2 the point, hard hitting & great laugh! Mostly they R neither vulgar nor hit below the belt. There R so many of them! I miss our Laxman these days! Maybe also because I don't get 2 read many Indian media!

AMU students not getting meat is a national issue ONLY 4 presstitutes & anti-nationals! They R staying in a college hostel, not in 5* hotel!
Yogiji DID NOT IMPOSE a ban on meat eating but politicians & presstitute media keep on repeating because they don't want to talk about a dozen other good things he is doing simultaneously & have no other issue to agitate to be in public eye! Marta kya na karta! They don't even know how to swim but are trying to cross deep-water with the help of a straw! He only shut down UNAUTHORIZED & UNHYGIENIC slaughter houses, but oppn is twisting the fact & hollering it's an anti-Muslim act! U can make a blind see, but can't who is acting like a blind!
This is the way 2 go abt the issue! Arrange public discussions between their supporters & opponents 2 the issue & it'll sort out on its own!
Yogiji can propose a Govt Trust of Muslims 2 construct a huge Masjid in Faizabad costing say Rs.100 crores 2 open the eyes of the misguided.
@narendramodi Bharata Natyam dancers wear an anklet which makes sound when you walk. Why not legislate to make it compulsory for convicted Romeos to wear anklets for a few years when convicted, without jail term? It's a mental problem. V want to shame them and correct themselves while warning others to make sure they do not harm them. We do not want them to become criminals!
That is why his religion keeps them entirely suppressed lest they overtake these fools and rule over them for good and forever!
Schumer giving centrists like him room 2 decide how to vote on SC judge issue, mindful that 10 Democrats face reelection in states Trump won in Nov. Now U know what matters 2 politicians, it's not national interest, it's their & their party's interest! Spit on them as a whole!
V shud all thank Freedom Caucus 4 showing it's NOT in the majority in its own party & unless its 'enemies' come in 2 support it, its own existence as a viable force will vanish. Now people know who R controlling GOP & their history and also whom 2 vote in next election! Democrats shud keep away from this internecine battle & stay neutral, lest it helps Caucus senators' support base getting strong and united!
Political Cartoons in the US Media R the best in the world. Original, 2 the point, hard hitting & great laugh! Mostly they R neither vulgar nor hit below the belt. There R so many of them! I miss our Laxman these days! Maybe also because I don't get 2 read many Indian media!

AMU students not getting meat is a national issue ONLY 4 presstitutes & anti-nationals! They R staying in a college hostel, not in 5* hotel!
यूपी में अवैध बूचड़खानों पर सख्ती का असर AMU पर भी - …
This is the way 2 go abt the issue! Arrange public discussions between their supporters & opponents 2 the issue & it'll sort out on its own!
*लखनऊ मे श्री राम टावर चौराहा पर मुस्लीमों द्वारा राम मंदिर के समर्थन मैं यह होल्डिंग लगी है*.

@narendramodi Bharata Natyam dancers wear an anklet which makes sound when you walk. Why not legislate to make it compulsory for convicted Romeos to wear anklets for a few years when convicted, without jail term? It's a mental problem. V want to shame them and correct themselves while warning others to make sure they do not harm them. We do not want them to become criminals!
That is why his religion keeps them entirely suppressed lest they overtake these fools and rule over them for good and forever!
Motherhood deprives women from achieving their full potential. Don't be mothers and fathers yougaiz. Be cool. #YOLO
Should we thank Trump for bringing to light the whole shenanigans of our politicians so that we can dump one and all and go for clean guys?
Pence has cast the first vote AGAINST all GOP candidates in forthcoming elections all the States for any office! Senior Citizens thank him!
Shame on you, @VP. You do a huge disservice to the women of this country. @WhiteHouse …
@narendramodi Generally in Mideast employers keep with them the passports of employees making them bonded labor. MEA should issue and allow them to keep with them authenticated duplicate passports with all necessary endorsements by visiting countries so that if they hv any problem, they can return to India without much difficulty.

A lesson to Tramp. Allies joined the USA not because enamored with its democracy or govt, they did so in the process of picking up the better of two evils: USA or USSR. By forcing long-standing alliances to break, Tramp is only pushing them into the lap our worst enemies. It gives credence to the accusation that he is hand in glove with Putin. Should not President Trump be impeached?
Let's bring him 2 light on every occasion so that his glow shows the right path 2 politicians & people alike! Jai Sant Balbir Seechewalji!
Inspirational !
Nation honoured EcoBaba Sant Balbir Seechewal Ji by Padma Shri Award.
He turned a dying river of human waste into paradise


She has a point. If U R a national of a country, U hv no business 2 join the military forces of another & especially in given circumstances.
Muslim baroness decries 'loophole' that allows UK Jews to join IDF | The Times of Israel …
Poor Bluff Master forgot, this threat works both ways! He will have to wait for a year, but Freedom Caucus can cut him to size pronto!
After Trump warned the Freedom Caucus that he would “fight them” in 2018, members of the group returned fire. http: //

@narendramodi More likely he was too busy with workload involving UP politics and GST Bill to find time for a proper haircut!

Calls & agitations 4 gender equality R for the birds, as long as U do not support total abolition of separate bathrooms for ladies & gents!
'Never-accept-defeat' attitude makes Elon Musk unique! Got 2 b an extraordinarily strong believer in : If there is will, there is a way!
SpaceX makes history with launch of first recycled rocket
When popular adulation gets into the head, one feels above everyone else and above every law applicable to others! Y don't they resign?
Questions over absence of Sachin, Rekha in Rajya Sabha
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