WILL OUR PM DARE? Morarjibhai's ban on holding of gold of more than 14 ct. failed because it applied 2 ALL forms of gold more than 14 ct & most people opposed it. If a ban is imposed only on all forms OTHER THAN JEWELRY, it'll bring in another revolution, as 90% of people don't own biscuits & will support the ban! As India holds & consumes the largest qty of gold, the ban will shake the gold-based economic citadel of the world. As our temples have enough gold to back the rupee while all other currencies will take a dive!
Is Shekhar Gupta admittedly a Hijda? He admits he is not a liberal & also all these days he has been opposing intolerance! So what is he?
if I were a liberal, I would have put you behind bars under anti-superstition bill. Marathas desecrated this shrine,nothing happened to them https://twitter.com/ShekharGupta/status/843044705487093761 …
If Modiji was so easily decipherable, he would not have been the Prime Minister of India!
Hardline priest Yogi Adityanath's elevation a sign Modi is moving toward Hindu India http://reut.rs/2nc6Rti By @Busvine pic.twitter.com/2sUk06UI9l

"Congress' Organisation No Match For That Of BJP-RSS": P Chidambaram - What is his choice? Wants to be kicked out of Congress or to resign? Or go to jail?
California Waiter Refuses To Serve 4 Latina Women Until He Saw 'Proof Of Residency' - A shame! Will Trump condemn? https://goo.gl/AqXLpu
How many Indians had heard about Modiji before he became CM of Gujarat? When a CM makes his State a shining star, India wants him 2 lead it!
When u r no longer surprised by events like #YogiAdityanath becoming CM after going thru Brexit, Trump, etc. pic.twitter.com/DAeMitxmGm
- Massive infra expenses without commensurate production & consumption will only lead to empty cities with surrounding slums! If huge projects alone could make nations great & prosperous, Mideast will have beaten the USA long back! China lacks large %age of the young population!

So says the leader of a gang of mice, who wants to bell the cat!
No wonder this enlightened Muslim is unknown in his own community, like most Hindus who don't have any personal enmity with other Muslims!
हमारे मुसलमान भाईयो के दिलमे भाजपा और आर.ऐस.ऐस. का डर पैदा करने वाले पत्रकार एवं मौलवी इस विडियो को जरुर देखे।
#सबका_साथ_सबका_विकास https://twitter.com/draksbond/status/842960499172040704 …
Because the goose that has been laying golden eggs year after year has been assured now that it will not be converted into kheema!
Why the cap on cess puffed up ITC shares http://bit.ly/2nqbJf6
By then no Constitution amendment will b necessary! Where is the need of 'janeoo' 4 that person whom people the world recognize as Brahmin?
आज पूरा यकीन के साथ कहसकता हु डॉगीचचा, मिशन #कांग्रेस_मुक्त_भारत के लिए भेजागया RSS एजेंट है,खान्ग्रेस के ताबूत में आखरी कील येही ठोकेगा https://twitter.com/digvijaya_28/status/843435872099815424 …
digvijaya singh
एक ही एजेण्डा है - २०१९ में २/३ बहुमत संविधान संशोधन और हिन्दू राष्ट्र का गठन !
People buy newspaper & watch TV, not 4 editorials R news, but 4 other things of interest. Sooner the presstitutes rolling in advt money realize, better. Social Media is growing so fast,
they will not even realize what had hit them! Better swim with the tide, to remain alive!
Digvijaya Singh is 70-year-old bandicoot! Y does his Twitter 'Verified account' says @digvijaya_28? Is that the age this old man gives out?
Part of World "Funding"
Market. Knows whom to project
as indispensable & whom to
degrade as "Fringe"
.@timesofindia https://twitter.com/nanditathhakur/status/843631544849891328 …
“Nakhon yam phei, pung thillu” in Manipuri is being translated as "You have a good voice so take to drumming." which is again interpreted as "Being good at one thing does not necessarily make you good at everything." This is how Express twists everything. Correct meaning should be: When you find what you are good at is not useful, take to something more useful."
BS' saying not being aware of copyright is the most ridiculous! In cine world everyone wants 2 eat only low hanging fruits in other' garden!
Ilaiyaraja sent a legal notice to Balasubrahmanyam & asked not perform songs composed by him without his permission
http://www.news18.com/news/movies/ilayaraja-sends-legal-notice-to-sp-balasubrahmanyam-1361847.html …
The highfalutin language also is not a substitute for substance!
Winning an election is not validation. Criticism isn't noise.
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