Tweets on March 13, 2017:
Whenever U see/hear abt a person mistreated in yr
colony/street/class/college find & assure him U & other Indians like U,
don't agree with what happened & offer all possible help. @least go 2 SM
& citing that incident offer support 2 him while condemning the other.
RT/Like all such messages. Let all nationalist Indians gang up 2 put these
miscreants 2 shame. Form yr own band where necessary if intimidators R in a
group. Keep police informed. Try 2 show yr ID by badges/tea shirts. A troop of foxes
can defeat an elephant, but never approach a herd of them!
Make sure your
examples support what you say! Anything that is written on sand is the easiest
thing to erase!
रिश्ते ख़त्म करना बहुत आसान है, उन्हें बनाये रखना बहुत मेहनत का काम है और आजकल मेहनत कोई करना नहीं चाहता ...
He is
brilliant but misled by charlatan Kejriwal, like many such young. He can do his
prayaschit by denouncing Kejri the next MC elections!
BJP shud
invite all such youngsters 2 form their own group & show the correct path 2
these young political leaders. The misled Chadhas,
leftists and
Muslims can rest assured they will b welcomed in BJP as friends. It'll also
make all realize AAP's tactics in luring people.
Kunal Vimal (KV)
Dear @raghav_chadha
U are one 4th of committed figures, when are you retiring from active politics! #IamWithAK my foot! This is paid trend
The point is why a religion should have a minister at all when our Constitution does not recognize any religion as distinct. Will not other
religions also claim such ministries for their own pilgrimage and where will that all end? Look before you leap & think before you question.
Ankita Sheth
जब मुस्लिम इस देश के राष्ट्रपति बन सकते है, तो कोई हिंदू यूपी का हज मिनिस्टर क्यों नहीं बन सकता? सेक्युलर हूँ लेकिन इसकी परवाह नहीं करती।
Will BJP Appoint a Hindu as the Haj Minister in Uttar Pradesh?
If ever you continue with the splitting game, we will b back to where we were B4 the British landed! Even when all kinds of animals share a jungle 2 live, is it too difficult 4 intelligent humans 2 find a way 2 live together? Can't V put personal greed above society's welfare?
17 years ago, Uttar Pradesh's per capita income was ₹18,636.
Then UP was split.
Today Uttarakhand's per capita is ₹153,076 while UP ₹49,450.
.@KiranKS @DipendraDipzo Split Darjeeling & Dooars from Bengal to form #Gorkhaland & get the highest ever PCI of the country.
I would think this is the 1st time "weather" came in the way of Heads of State's meeting. They could have met in Tramp's mansion in Florida!
Merkel postpones trip to meet Trump due to bad weather
I would agree with you! I am just a high school pass! But Grammarly makes my English look 'educated' without spelling or grammar mistakes!
WSJ Tech
Your next office assistant could be named Alexa or Cortana.
Love it! Thanks.
Hope @raghav_chadha is going thro his tweets nowadays! Kejriwal has misguided 1000s of youngsters all over India. Good, he stands exposed.
#WhereIsRaghavChadha #WhereIsPappu bhagoda @raghav_chadha …
I hope the weather is horrible in Washington for the next four years!
Both Trump and Merkel are determined not to let their first meeting devolve into a clash of competing worldviews.
Here is a man with confirmed split personality! He sincerely & honestly believes he's not the one others see in him, but he is the 'other one' as he sees himself. He was in dire need of psychiatric treatment, not votes! It's time V asked 4 medical fitness certificate B4 voting!
Tell them to stop lying. Tell yourself that while you're at it. Oh, and release your taxes like you promised.
Have a nice day! …
Donald J. Trump @realDonalTrump
It is amazing how rude much of the media is to my very hard working representatives. Be nice, you will do much better!
You really do not seem to know who can & who cannot become the PM of India! People like U only voted for AAP and brought it rule Delhi!
If not for Modiji coming to national politics, Pappu may have been the PM by now!
Now, do you believe in the proverb: Birds of the same feather flock together? One of the most corrupt hailing another of his ilk!
SULTAN100 @utpalghosh30
So this time it was another loudmouth @mkatju who was proven wrong,what a tight slap Sir!Enjoy this too along with butter Dosa
The Hindu says Modi/BJP will b monitored on how much they take every1 along. U R 1 of those born presstitutes from British times. Go 2 hell.
In an egalitarian society all R 'Hon'ble & Learned' till proved otherwise. Time 2 stop referring 2 our judges & lawyers with these out-dated prefixes of our slavery times. Time probably to disrobe them also to get them down to earth so that they can see what is really going on!
Seen shameless journos, but U take the cake! U R the worst presstitute, worse than bidet! A donkey, which will kick @ back & bite in front!
BJP's "conquest" of Goa & Manipur after losing in polls 48 hours back, is ugly. To say that Congress also did it in the past makes it worse
In 1 master stroke of suggesting doing away with talaq, Modiji has won > 50% of Muslim votes. It's the turn of 'Secular Commies' now! Other parties believe in suppressing and oppressing to keep in control. Modiji believes in empowering and making friends. This lasts longer.
#ViratHindu #holi_hai #MondayMagic नज़रिया: मुस्लिम वोट बैंक जैसी कोई चीज़ है ही नहीं . …
It is right all those who believed in castes voted on caste basis & others 4 development. That is y Congress/opposition got very few seats!
These are the people who will keep dividing India on caste religion
That's why AAP is slapped by people of GOA n Punjab! #Shame …
Congress never expected 2 win many seats. Its local leaders were running around like headless chicken as Goa results came in. High command had gone underground 2 drown their sorrow in liquor & escape presstitutes. Alert BJP jumped in @ last moment & guided by leadership won!
You think it comes with coffee! When paying by card and advance payment, you don't know how much you are actually paying 4 coffee!
Starbucks start writing your names on the coffee mug and watch the video what Chinese did in-competition to Starbucks

In German military march, you would hv found the top of right foot totally aligned! Always a pleasure to watch their march past.
Here are Donald Trump's options for dealing with North Korea's nuclear threat
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