TWEETS March 18, 2017 from 8.41AM (USA, PDT) to March 18, 2017 11.31 PM (USA, PDT)
Trump Not Safe In WHouse, Says Ex-Secret Service Agent. He is wrong. It's the USA which isn't safe with him in WH!
It is time for the Indians, not Hindus alone, not 2 be provoked. Last chance for Anti-nationals, aka Presstitutes, to survive. Exercise 100% control on what u say, show & do! Don't react 2 provocations both in favor R against! A lion doesn't hv 2 show its mane 4 being identified!
Wow! What a revolution! All Pb problems solved with this 1 statement! Unsolicited advice U hv reached the highest level in age & position. Now don't have any like/dislike. Yr only wealth is time left. Don't waste it. Do yr duty keeping Wahe Guru in mind. Wish the best 4 Punjab!
Trump Not Safe In WHouse, Says Ex-Secret Service Agent. He is wrong. It's the USA which isn't safe with him in WH!
It is time for the Indians, not Hindus alone, not 2 be provoked. Last chance for Anti-nationals, aka Presstitutes, to survive. Exercise 100% control on what u say, show & do! Don't react 2 provocations both in favor R against! A lion doesn't hv 2 show its mane 4 being identified!
Wow! What a revolution! All Pb problems solved with this 1 statement! Unsolicited advice U hv reached the highest level in age & position. Now don't have any like/dislike. Yr only wealth is time left. Don't waste it. Do yr duty keeping Wahe Guru in mind. Wish the best 4 Punjab!
#ViratHindu #BJP #UPCM #YogiAdityanath पंजाब में खत्म किया गया VIP कल्चर, गाड़ियों पर नहीं लगेगी लालबत्ती . …
Yogiji knows: When a strong arm extends 2 protect, rather than hit, R when 1 greets with a smile rather than a sneer, he makes more friends!
Yogi's hands, simultaneously, will protect the oppressed majority & will warn out of control minority! Yogiji has a long walk on the rope!
When a lion is a king roaming the jungle, all have only one to fear. But, in its absence, when foxes rule, danger lurks around every corner!
Let's hear more anecdotes like this about Yogiji and not go by what prestitutes and anti-nationals have been telling about him!
एक मुस्लिम पत्रकार की फेसबुक पोस्ट और एक हिन्दू पत्रकार की ट्वीट में @yogi_adityanath व्यक्ति एक है बस अंतर है नियत और पेशे से ईमानदारी का

Trump proves he is a tramp. Refuses 2 shake hands with guest Angela Merkel, German Chancellor, during a photo op, even after her coaxing. How much more u cud b discourteous & uncouth? Tramp's ways of winning enemies, losing friends & also strengthening national security!
Very nicely put! Thanks.
तुम कहते थे मोदी नहीं आयेगा...
तुम कहते थे योगी मुख्यमंत्री नहीं बनेगा देख लिया और
तुम ये भी कहते हो कि मंदिर नहीं बनेगा..

Money is cheap! People will buy anything as long as it is a novelty, whether useful or not! It is about 3 hr wages of a working man!
LED Wall Word Clock 12 x 12 - Displays Time As Text
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The last should have been 'Bhogi'!

Don't b fast! It'll depend on how the1st 1 is handled. If it's put down with a heavy hand, might b the last R continue as a festering wound, as it's in J&K! Hope rational minds R in control of the situation on both sides! Hv high expectations in the sanity of UPwalas!

Thank you for the refutation! But you can only wake up those who are asleep. You cannot wake up those who are feigning sleep!
An excellent observation! Thanks.
Ra Ch Na @raggedtag
Please do not compare these two persons. One has proved himself beyond an iota of doubt. The other's time has come to prove himself.
Well said! U.P. is probably is in safe hands now. PM & AS can concentrate on the South now. We have won only half the battle!
@MaliniP will not see an elephant in front! One side of Modi U know. He is showing his other side to those still blind like you!
I'm afraid U R mistaken. PM is ready 2 work after asanas & prayer @ 5 AM. He gets up around 3 AM!
मैं राष्ट्रवादी हूँ। @IamNationalist7
@BDUTT If u can keep this on record and RT after 5 years, I will eat it! I bet you will be out of a job and in jail by then!

BJP has ALWAYS stood 4 ONE India & ALL Indians! True Indians love ALL Indians who admit 2B Indians & love India with no religious bias.
Suresh En @surnell

What to do if you can't hate a Pakistani
To gullible Indians who believe that Pakistanis and Indians are like brothers
When @BDUTT is so analytically right AFTER the fact, where had her buddhi gone before elections, ghas charne?
All govt get the same revenue. Other parties promised 2 spend it on freebies 2 selected. Modi, the magician, spent it in development 4 all. That's it. Ordinary Indians believe in sharing not in bribes! Opposition thought Yatha Raja tatha Praja; Modi & people thought the opposite!
ऐसा हिन्दुस्तान में ही देखने को मिलता है 

Don't b fast! It'll depend on how the1st 1 is handled. If it's put down with a heavy hand, might b the last R continue as a festering wound, as it's in J&K! Hope rational minds R in control of the situation on both sides! Hv high expectations in the sanity of UPwalas!
#Mind_it .... अब अगले ५ सालों के लिए यूपी में दंगे होने की सम्भावना कम हो गई है।
Burnol moment for

Thank you for the refutation! But you can only wake up those who are asleep. You cannot wake up those who are feigning sleep!
Dear @sardesairajdeep , pls see this … . If u hv another proof, pls share so I too can outrage against Yogi. Thx. …
Ra Ch Na @raggedtag
The greatest thing Modi has done since 2014 is getting everyone who said they don't care about politics to have a view on EVERYTHING.
The expectations from Yogi Adityanath for UP is much higher than expectations from Modi.
Well said! U.P. is probably is in safe hands now. PM & AS can concentrate on the South now. We have won only half the battle!
Now @yogi_adityanath has to work such that @narendramodi and @AmitShah don't have to tour every road of UP next time to win UP in 2019. 

Trying to tame Yogi into non-Core CM like @Dev_Fadnavis - may or may not work. …
मैं राष्ट्रवादी हूँ। @IamNationalist7
5 बजे उठने वाला PM
4 बजे उठने वाला CM
चलो यूपी के अधिकारियों तुम्हारी लंका लगने वाली
Azam Khan. Imran Masood.Yogi Adityanath, Competitive Communalism of politics,some overt, some covert,all a betrayal of our Muslim citizens

BJP has ALWAYS stood 4 ONE India & ALL Indians! True Indians love ALL Indians who admit 2B Indians & love India with no religious bias.
Suresh En @surnell
Waaah!!! What a piece! No wonder @the_hindu will soon hit the #GutterClass of journalism. …
"..what could happen to the best of #Pakistan-hating patriots if they are not vigilant enough," writes G. Sampat
What to do if you can't hate a Pakistani
To gullible Indians who believe that Pakistanis and Indians are like brothers
When @BDUTT is so analytically right AFTER the fact, where had her buddhi gone before elections, ghas charne?
Modi meta popularity,Nationalism, social engineering, pan Hindu caste consolidation, poor opposition won UP. So why did BJP need #Yogi as CM
@akshaychopra Very good one! Thanks!
@cgalgale @MaheshHindu @satendrakumart @AjinkyaPhadke @sharma2211_amit @srbhkmr151

Presstitutes have not yet realized Modiji is ALWAYS 1 step ahead of them! By the time they realize it they will be left with no credibility!
Media first failed to predict Modi wave in UP. Then it failed to predict the CM. No wonder most of them are so pissed with #YogiAdityanath !
@ShefVaidya DON'T MISS TO SEE THE VIDEO POSTED BY @ LillyMaryPinto if you want to know what Yogiji was, is and will be in future! I am crying along with Yogiji! V R fortunate to be living along with him in the same Bharat! Thank you, Shefali!
Shefali Vaidya Retweeted @ShefVaidya
Exactly 10 yrs ago, on 12 March 2007, while addressing Lok Sabha, Yogi Adityanath could not control his emotions and broke down completely. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Except in NDTV, where the life of all presstitutes is as normal as usual, all fucked up in search of new corrupt patrons to lick!
Around the world, the abnormal is becoming the new normal.
These 'overpayments' are more in the form of an increase in stock value owned by them. Not direct compensation as salary!
Indian-American Sandeep Matharani 4th On Overpaid CEOs List In US: Report …
Hear, hear!
'Imambara Estate' and 'Gorakhnath Math' given equal amount of lands by Nawab of Owadh. Muslims squandered the land, whereas Math gets CM.
Y not make a Constitutional Amendment 2 this effect applicable 2 all Ministers in both Central & State Govts. Na rahe baans na rahe bansuri!
With Yogi Aditya Nath there will be no dynastic ambitions. I like that part. No bed beacon for all the family members...Laloo& Mulayam..
Pappu along with APPpu is determined to take the first place the next year, even beating Pakistan! Just you wait and see!
Wow ... what a list to be 4th in #raga must be proud ! …

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